Before you plan your event…
There are many parts to planning an event at McMaster University. Before you start planning, ensure you have done the following:
- Make sure you are a Recognized Student Group. If you are not, see where your group fits and how to get recognition.
- Once your student group is recognized, you will have access to the Student Event Management Portal and will be able to submit requests for approval of events.
- Health & Safety for all participants is very important. The Student Event Approval Form helps you think about some of the potential risks associated with an event.
Keys to Successful Event Planning
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)?
The MOU is a document that formalizes a relationship between the Faculty and Academic Society. It is recommended that the Associate Dean (or delegate) and the academic society work together on defining roles and responsibilities, expectations, and the level of support required and provided for a successful relationship between the parties.
This is a good opportunity for Associate Deans (or delegate) to get to know your academic society and what events they that may affect the Faculty’s reputation.
How will I know that an event is waiting for approval?
The Approver will receive an email notification with a link to the portal.
How far in advance should I receive a request for approval?
An event form must be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the event. For large scale events or events that involve alcohol, travel out of province, or involve a guest speaker that is not affiliated with McMaster, it is recommended that student groups submit an event form as soon as possible after they have decided to hold the event.
What are “Required” and “Prohibited” boxes?
The Required and Prohibited boxes are there to remind Primary Event Organizers about important considerations when running an event. Organizers cannot move to the next question without checking off these boxes. Organizers will be held responsible under the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities in regards to these considerations.
Can the Primary Event Organizer make changes to an event?
Once the Primary Event Organizer hits the submit button they cannot make any changes. They will have to cancel that event and resubmit another event form. If the event is cancelled, you will be notified. The new event will have a new Event Code.
What if I have general questions?
You can submit any question to studentgroups@mcmaster.ca, and it will be directed to the appropriate individual for a reply.
What if I need clarifications from the organizers?
You can return the event form back to the Primary Event Organizer noting any additional requirements or information in the “notes” section. Once the Primary Event Organizer complies with your request, they can re-submit the event form for approval.
What are my responsibilities as an Approver?
The Approver should ensure answers are complete. Particularly, in the High Risk category where the Primary Event Organizer is asked to provide a description of a safety plan or other considerations to minimize the potential for injury to participants.
In addition to your responsibility for reviewing and approving events, you also oversee the student group and have a relationship with them. You can help them run successful events by reviewing their budget and their itinerary would be helpful.
In reviewing and approving events, it might be helpful to the organizer to meet with them and provide advice and insight to running a safe event.
Lastly but equally important is to be aware of what the student group is doing, whether they have run that event as submitted. If not, the student group is in jeopardy of losing their status as a student group, and the Primary Event Organizer will be held responsible under the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities. If you become aware the event did not go as submitted to you for approval, you can report it to the Student Affairs Office for guidance at studentgroups@mcmaster.ca.
Our primary goal is to ensure we are supporting our students and taking the necessary precautions and to minimize the potential for injury. Use your judgment to ask questions from a safety and risk perspective.
What if a student organizer asks me to help them get a PIN?
If the student group asks you how they get a PIN, you can tell them PIN’s will no longer be required they can login using their McMaster email.
What if get asked about storing waivers?
It is the responsibility of the Primary Event Organizer to ensure bus waivers and other types of waivers are signed by participants in advance of the event, and that they are properly and securely stored for 7 (seven) years. If the student group does not have a secure storage place, they can upload Waivers directly to the portal after the event.
Please ensure you know where the waivers are being stored.
What do I do if the Primary Event Organizer submits a budget or itinerary?
Review the itinerary for reasonableness and completeness.
Where there are significant monies invested, review the value of the event and the reasonableness of expenditures.
Can I check on past events?
Approvers can check on the status of events by student group assigned to them.
*Important: do not approve past events.
What is a Recognized Student Group and how do I form a student group?
Recognized Student Groups are undergraduate or graduate student groups that are recognized through either: the MSU (for undergraduate student clubs); the GSA (for graduate student clubs); and, the Faculty (for academic societies).
Why can’t I submit an event form?
In order to submit an event form for approval, your group has to be a Recognized Student Group. Go to our recognition page to find out how you can form a Recognized Student Group.
How long does it take to get approval for an event?
If you are booking a regular business meeting, prayer space, or bake sale you should submit an event form at least 2 business days prior to the event. Please note the longer you wait, the chance of getting preferred space may be limited.
For all other events, an event form must be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the event. For large scale events or events that involve alcohol, travel out of province, or involve a guest speaker that is not affiliated with McMaster, it is recommended that you submit an event form as soon as possible after you have decided to hold the event.
Why do I have to answer so many questions?
These questions ensure you have considered all of the risk involved in running an event, and that you have plans in place to mitigate potential risk to participants and to yourself as the Primary Event Organizer.
What are the “Required” and “Prohibited” boxes?
In addition to the questions about the event, the Required and Prohibited boxes are there to remind you about important considerations when running an event. You cannot go to the next question without checking off these boxes. Please note that once you check off the boxes you will be held responsible under the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
What if I’m just booking a meeting?
We’ve made this simple. If you are booking a meeting, prayer space, bake sale for your Recognized Student Group and it’s taking place on campus, you will only need to answer one question and submit the form. Your event will automatically be approved.
What if I want to make changes to my event?
You cannot make changes after your event has been submitted. You will need to cancel your event and resubmit another form.
What if I have questions?
You can submit any question to studentgroups@mcmaster.ca, and it will be directed to the appropriate individual for a reply.
What if I don’t have all the answers to the questions yet?
You can save your event form and come back to it later.
What is a Certificate of Insurance?
You will need to get a Certificate of Insurance if you are renting equipment, a bus, or venue. Check to see if there is already a Certificate of Insurance for a particular vendor/company with your respective group: MSU Clubs Administrator (for undergraduate MSU clubs); GSA (for graduate GSA clubs); or EOHSS (for academic societies).
When requesting a certificate of insurance from a vendor, make sure you request that they include McMaster and/or MSU/GSA as additional insured.
Can I book a room before submitting an event form?
You can tentatively book space on campus. Upon receiving approval, you will receive an email with an Event Code that you can provide to the booking agent to confirm your space booking.
Can I book a recurring event?
Yes. We have made upgrades to the portal so that student groups can submit one form for the same event on multiple dates.
How do I get a PIN?
PIN’s will no longer be required. Instead, you can log into the portal using your McMaster email.
What do I do with the waivers?
It is the responsibility of the Primary Event Organizer to ensure bus waivers and other types of waivers are signed by participants in advance of the event, and that they are properly and securely stored for 7 (seven) years. If you do not have a secure storage place, you can upload Waivers directly to the portal after the event. Please make sure someone else besides yourself knows where the waivers are stored.